Wednesday, February 16, 2011

me time

Somedays it feels like I am doing 200 things at once and it isn't making a dent in my 'To Do' list. I can get overwhelmed sometimes with all that should be and needs to be accomplished. A lot of days I don't get to have a real conversation until my hubby gets home and by that time I feel overworked and just want to climb into bed and sleep... how do people have more than 2 kids?! Sometimes I just have to ask, where do I fit into my day?

I used to feel so guilty about taking time for myself. Feeling like I had something to prove in being a stay at home mama. Like I don't just sit around and be lazy all day. Have you ever felt that way?  Well, as the years have passed I have learned some very important things about myself - if I can get a few moments to myself during the day I am a better person to my kids and my husband. Basically, I've come to the realization that my needs are important too, and just as I pour myself out for my family I need to pour some quality time into myself.

I figured that if I have felt overrun and frazzled by life and everything toddler/baby maybe some of you have too. So here are some of my simple free pleasures...

} Drink your coffee or tea (or whatever) from a fancy tea cup or glass

}While the kids rest or nap ditch the chores and read, write or catch up on a guilty pleasure movie/show

}Call or text a friend who makes you laugh

}Eat a piece of chocolate (or3)

}Do something creative - for me it would be sewing, knitting, crocheting or beading

}Turn on some tunes and dance your stress away. And if you feel silly just get your kids to join in with you.

}Sit and stare into space until those little hands and voices come and find you

What about you dears? Do you carve time for little moments devoted just to you? I'd love to hear what you do.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Pears poached in red wine

This recipe is brilliantly simple and delicious. Whether you are a whiz in the kitchen or not you should definitely try this out - I don't think you'll be disappointed! 

4-6 Pears - peel off skins and slice a portion off the bottom so that it can stand.
Leave stems
2 Cups of red wine - Use something you like since there will be a lot leftover in your bottle
2/3 Cup of raw cane sugar
1/8 Cup of orange juice 
1/2 teaspoon of honey
a few pinches of cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick
tiny pinch of sea salt for balance 

In a large pot bring wine, sugar, juice, honey cinnamon and salt to a boil on medium heat. Add in pears laying them on their sides. Reduce heat to medium low and cover. Cook for 20-25 minutes turning pears halfway through cooking time. They are done once tender - don't overcook. Remove from pot and place the pears standing. Return liquid to a boil and stir frequently until reduced to a syrup like consistency. 
Drizzle reduction over pears and serve.
For an added treat top with a dollop of vanilla ice cream or cream. 

If you try this recipe I hope you find it as delicious as we do! Let me know how it turns out! 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy LOVE Day

Go smooch on someone you love today.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spring breeze Sunday

Today the weather is so Gorgeous! I'm not exactly sure of the temp but it has to be close to 60 and the sun is shining bright with a nice cool spring breeze. It can't last, but right now we're enjoying it. The kiddo got to ride his bike and play with sticks and swords with daddy while me and Dash lounged on a blanket in the grass. Several times I almost got up to get my camera but I didn't. So I don't have any pictures. Just trust me that Dash looked adorable taking in the sounds of nature - we have an owl that lives in the tree beside our our and he was hooting away. I love owls.

Since we do not have a babysitter this weekend my hubs and I are just enjoying our evenings after the babies go to sleep. Keeping things as Valentine-y as we can with dark chocolate covered pomegranate seeds and espresso beans, Newton's Folly apple cider, and snuggle time during movies. I'm a pretty simple girl and I don't need a whole lot to make me happy... plus I did snag a few tops from UrbanOutfitters on Friday. =)

I hope you all are having a fantastic Valentines weekend with lots of love from family, friends and maybe a few random acts of kindness from strangers.

picture source

Friday, February 11, 2011

Recap: 7th Month

Your 7th month has been full of fun new adventures! You're getting too big and I can hardly stand it!

Here is what my kid has been up to.

1. Crawling! He is getting really fast. I can no longer step out of the room when he is down on the floor. We are on a mission to baby proof the house because this one gets into everything!

2. Teeth! He cut is two bottom teeth. I cried a little.

3. Eating! His favorite flavors right now are pear, carrot, banana, apple and avocado.

4. Taking a bottle!!!! This is probably my favorite! You may remember this post awhile back about how he refused to even look at a bottle. Seasons change people!

Those were 4 pretty huge development leaps. It's been exciting to watch Dash grow and learn. He is definitely an adventurous little fellow, which just means he'll do well keeping up with his big mischievous brother.

So here is to another month of big leaps and bounds... bring it on 8!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

a little victory on a Tuesday

Just this morning I had a breakthrough.  A victory over my mind. You see, I've been struggling with what on earth to do with my child. My situation is probably not unlike many of yours. Oliver is 3 and incredibly strong willed. He is also very verbal, and although that is mostly great for communicating it is also allowing him to speak up and talk back. Like most 3 year old kids he is emotional and dramatic - everything is an ordeal, for example; "Mama I need juice." "Oliver no, you already had juice. But you can have water if you're thirsty", then comes the meltdown and the throwing of toys and the screaming of "I can't like water! I want juice! Mama said nooooooo!" wah wah you get the picture, right? The challenge is that we do this over every.single.thing. Something that is no big deal at all is suddenly a catastrophe. I was getting worn out. I was spending the day mad at my child not giving him the patience he deserves from his mama. A lot of days it felt like just letting him do whatever he wanted was just so much easier. Is that too honest?

So back to this morning when I hear Oliver at 6:30am pounding and screaming at his door for me to let him out (waking up his brother) I lay in my bed already beyond frustrated that my day has to start. After I get up and bring Oliver into my room and get him to calm down and (I admit it) a bit resentfully say goodbye to my husband who is leaving for work I try and get a grip on myself. I look at my son, who is beautiful even with his tear stained cheeks and running nose. And the thought that comes to my mind is not "Why are you doing this to me?!" It is 'You are mine. And I cherish you.' ... It isn't how I felt in my mind, but that is my heart song for this boy that I feel has endlessly tested and frustrated me.

So here's the point.
This is my job, this is what it's like to raise my child. I can't fight it or sulk about because what good would that do? It is worth it to put in the time because I want to raise my children to be respectful, well mannered and caring human beings. I want my sons to be good stewards of their possessions and teach their children the same values. It won't always be this way exactly, but it will always be something, I've learned that much.

Yet I know that these seasons hold just as much precious as they do challenge. So in spite of what feels like an ongoing tantrum I try to grit my teeth and cherish my boy - just the way he is at this moment, with his tears of frustration and confusion as he learns (and I learn how to teach him) how to shape his conscience and character. These are important times for him, more crucial for learning basic values than it is for me to drink my morning coffee in peace - because I know that one day I'll be an old woman and have more quiet than I can stand with my children grown and away and all that I will want is to have stomping loud clattering commotion around my feet.

I know I will still have to take this day by day. I won't always feel victorious. My heart wont always win out over my mind and body. But I hope that I can keep things in perspective...