Wednesday, February 16, 2011

me time

Somedays it feels like I am doing 200 things at once and it isn't making a dent in my 'To Do' list. I can get overwhelmed sometimes with all that should be and needs to be accomplished. A lot of days I don't get to have a real conversation until my hubby gets home and by that time I feel overworked and just want to climb into bed and sleep... how do people have more than 2 kids?! Sometimes I just have to ask, where do I fit into my day?

I used to feel so guilty about taking time for myself. Feeling like I had something to prove in being a stay at home mama. Like I don't just sit around and be lazy all day. Have you ever felt that way?  Well, as the years have passed I have learned some very important things about myself - if I can get a few moments to myself during the day I am a better person to my kids and my husband. Basically, I've come to the realization that my needs are important too, and just as I pour myself out for my family I need to pour some quality time into myself.

I figured that if I have felt overrun and frazzled by life and everything toddler/baby maybe some of you have too. So here are some of my simple free pleasures...

} Drink your coffee or tea (or whatever) from a fancy tea cup or glass

}While the kids rest or nap ditch the chores and read, write or catch up on a guilty pleasure movie/show

}Call or text a friend who makes you laugh

}Eat a piece of chocolate (or3)

}Do something creative - for me it would be sewing, knitting, crocheting or beading

}Turn on some tunes and dance your stress away. And if you feel silly just get your kids to join in with you.

}Sit and stare into space until those little hands and voices come and find you

What about you dears? Do you carve time for little moments devoted just to you? I'd love to hear what you do.


  1. Thank you for this post it was so welcome after a difficult day with my 2.5 year old yesterday. First, I missed my women's day at our church which only happens every second week, then my toddler decided sleep wasn't on the cards for the day causing her to be more volatile and hyperactive as the day went by. By the evening she was so hyped up (if you can say that) that she couldn't sleep. I was exhausted! Usually while she sleeps I take that time to be me and read and just do some mindless stuff which I dare not allow anyone catch me doing because... I feel guilty. I'm happy that I'm not the only on who feels like this, I'm glad I'm not alone, thank you for reminding me that loosing my sanity as I grow my children is part of the deal when you decide to have children.

  2. Cristine, Thanks for commenting! I'm so glad that I could encourage you =)
    Being a mama is tough work, I think I spend about 80% of my time feeling insane (especially since naps are a rare occurrence for my 3yo). Wishing you peaceful days ahead. Blessings!
